Archive for February, 2012

The Bangkok Bombing Attributed to Iran: A Scene From a Keystone Kops Movie or a Clever or Rushed Maneuver by the Iranians?

Did the three suspected Iranians terrorists in Bangkok reenact a scene from the early 1920s silent film comedies — the Keystone Kops featuring clumsy and incompetent fictional policemen? At first look, it would seem so. On Monday, Feb. 13, an explosion shattered a house in Soi Pridi Banomyong 31, in the Klongtan district of Bangkok, […]

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It’s Saudi Arabia, Stupid!

With the winds of Israel-Iran war looming, albeit thus far primarily in the media, many observers speculate whether Israel will launch an attack on Iranian nuclear installations. With the Holocaust as a fresh memory, Israelis do not take lightly the Iranian leadership’s repeated threats to wipe Israel off the map. In 1929 Adolph Hitler used […]

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