Archive for November, 2011

The Mysterious Death of Ahmad Rezaee: Whodunit?

Ahmad Rezaee (31) an Iranian national was found dead on November 12, on the floor of room 23 on the 18th floor of Gloria Hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai. When discovered, he had already been dead for three days, with a copy of the Holy Koran laid out next to his body. Unconfirmed […]

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The Arab World vs. Syria?

The League of Arab States has issued an ultimatum to Syria: cease all hostilities against your rebelling citizens by November 16, or face expulsion from the League. This is not a token threat: The next move could be an Arab military intervention condoned by the League. On Monday, November 14, the League announced that it […]

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US Withdrawal From Iraq: Good for America, or Good for Iran?

Huffington Post Op Eds 10/23/2011 Last week President Obama announced that all US troops would leave Iraq by the end of the year. That would formally end more than eight years of combat that cost the U.S more than 4,400 lives, more than 33,000 injured servicemen and servicewomen, and up to one trillion dollars in […]

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A Case of Russian Sexpionage in Britain or Simply a Case of a Young Woman Preferring Older High Ranking Officials?

Huffington Post Op Eds 11/01/2011 Ekaterina “Katia” Zatuliveter insists that she is not a Russian spy operating in the UK. Russia also insists that she was not their spy. MI5, the British internal intelligence service insists that she was working for Russian intelligence and wants her deported from the UK. Zatuliveter is currently fighting in […]

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Iran: To Bomb Or Not To Bomb, That Is The Question

To bomb or not to bomb Iran’s nuclear installations, that is the question asked by many world leaders following the UN International Atomic Energy Agency report which provided the smoking gun: Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Inevitably President Ahmadinejad immediately rejected the report. The summary of his response is: defiance defiance defiance. Immediately after the […]

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