Archive for June, 2011

Can Dominique Strauss-Kahn Dodge a Criminal Trial Claiming Immunity?

Huffington Post Op Ed 6/22/11 Dominique Strauss-Kahn (“DSK”) is accused of sexual attack on a hotel chambermaid. But will his status as the IMF head allow him to wriggle out from under criminal prosecution in New York by claiming immunity? Theoretically, DSK would have two available types of immunities: status-based immunity and conduct-based immunity. These […]

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Iran, Russia and Hezbollah: Strange bedfellows in Syria

Huffington Post Op Ed 06/14/11 Why is the UN Security Council unwilling to condemn Syria? President Bashar al-Assad is butchering his own rebellious citizens and other than public expressions reproaching the massacre in Syria, the world does nothing. Why? Colonel Gaddafi of Libya was bombed by NATO for similar atrocities, then why the preferential treatment […]

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